L’Associazione Culturale Amicizia Sardegna Palestina presenta la XIII Edizione di Al Ard Doc Film Festival, un appuntamento unico in Sardegna per gli appassionati del cinema arabo – palestinese.
Come ogni anno, all’interno del Festival verranno proiettate le più recenti e importanti produzioni cinematografiche riguardanti le tradizioni, la politica, la storia, la religione, la cultura araba e, in particolare, palestinese.
Presieduto da Monica Maurer e con la direzione artistica di Giuseppe Pusceddu, Al Ard Doc Film Festival è ormai divenuto una competizione di livello internazionale sulla Palestina e sul mondo arabo e si divide in due sezioni: film – documentari “in concorso” e “fuori concorso”.
Sono ammessi alla sezione “in concorso” tutti i film – documentari che trattano temi legati alla politica, alla storia, alla cultura e alla società palestinese e araba. Questi, saranno inizialmente scelti dalla Commissione esaminatrice e della Direzione artistica e, infine, verranno votati da una Giuria di esperti e dal pubblico, che assegneranno i premi.
La sezione “fuori concorso”, invece, prevede la proiezione di fiction o cortometraggi sulla Palestina e il mondo arabo, scelti anche questi preliminarmente dalla Commissione esaminatrice e dalla Direzione artistica del Festival.
La sezione “fuori concorso” non prevede premiazione.
Il Festival avrà inizio il 16 Marzo e terminerà il 19 Marzo 2016, con la Cerimonia finale di premiazione.
La partecipazione al Festival è gratuita.
Solo i film e i documentari prodotti tra il 2010 e il 2015 che trattano i temi di cui sopra potranno partecipare alla XIII Ed. di Al Ard Doc Film Festival.
Verranno accettati lavori in tutte le lingue, ma quelli prodotti in una lingua diversa dall’italiano devono essere sottotitolati o doppiati in italiano o inglese o francese.
Lo Staff del Festival, di comune accordo con i partecipanti, può decidere di tradurre (in maniera totalmente gratuita) i dialoghi dei film, a patto che una nuova copia del film, completa di sottotitoli, venga inviata entro e non oltre 31 Gennaio 2016.
La domanda di partecipazione deve essere inviata entro e non oltre il 31 Dicembre 2015 all’indirizzo e mail:
e dovrà includere:
– una copia del modulo di iscrizione compilato in tutte le sue parti,
– una foto del regista,
– il link private del film tramite canale Vimeo o YouTube o qualsiasi altro sito di condivisione di video
– il trailer del film,
– due o tre foto tratte dal film,
una copia del film STANDARD PAL, Betacam SP, Digital Betacam, DVD o DVCAM dovrà essere spedita entro e non oltre il 31 Dicembre 2015
Al Ard Doc Film Festival
Dot. Fawzi Ismail
C. D. R.
Via Zagabria 60
09129 Cagliari, Sardegna, Italia
La partecipazione al Festival implica la responsabilità del regista o del produttore sui contenuti del suo lavoro e garantisce di non violare in alcun modo il copyright, relativo a suoni o immagini, di eventuali parti terze.
Al Ard Doc Film Festival si riserva il diritto di pubblicare successivamente, anche su telegiornali o trasmissioni televisive, immagini o brevi scene tratte dai documentari in gara, a scopo di promozione del festival.
Con la partecipazione al Festival, inoltre, il regista/produttore autorizza esplicitamente l’utilizzo, anche successivo, di immagini e suoni nonché successive
proiezioni del film, per soli fini educativo/culturali in manifestazioni organizzate dall’Associazione Sardegna Palestina, senza scopo di lucro.
Accettando le condizioni suddette, il candidato assicura la veridicità delle informazioni forniteci e autorizza il trattamento dei propri dati personali per la divulgazione di materiale informativo e di promozione del Festival (catalogo, sito internet, rassegna stampa, ecc).
Sia le opere selezionate che quelle non selezionate saranno tenute negli archivi dell’Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina e non verranno restituite ai
partecipanti; non saranno usate a fini commerciali, ma verranno conservate a disposizione per eventi culturali e no-profit.
Firmando la domanda di partecipazione il candidato ne accetta i termini e le condizioni. I dati personali verranno trattati second la legge n. 675 of 31/12/1996 e successive modifiche.
Lo Staff del Festival darà avviso dei risultati delle selezioni entro il 15 Febbraio 2016 tramite posta elettronica e pubblicazione sul sito web dell’Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina:
La Commissione esaminatrice si riserva il diritto di rifiutare la proiezione dei documentari che non rispondono ai requisiti precedentemente richiesti e deciderà giorno e ora di ciascuna proiezione.
I produttori o i registi premiati dovranno usare per la loro pubblicità il logo di Al Ard Doc Film Festival 2016 e il nome del premio.
– Miglior Documentario in gara, 1000 Euro;
– Premio Al Ard (Miglior Film sulla Palestina), 800 Euro;
– Premio per registi emergenti, 600 Euro;
– Premio del Pubblico, 600 Euro.
I primi tre premi verranno assegnati dalla Giuria del Festival, composta da Monica Maurer, Giuseppe Pusceddu, Antonello Zanda, Felice Tiragallo, Ibrahim Nasrallah.
Il pubblico, invece, voterà durante le proiezioni e deciderà il vincitore per il Premio del Pubblico.
L’Associazione potrà decidere di invitare alcuni dei registi o produttori dei documentari ritenuti più interessanti e sostenere per loro le spese di vitto e alloggio. Il
costo di un eventuale visto sarà a carico dell’ospite. Eventuali comunicazioni di questo tipo verranno date via mail al diretto interessato.
Inviando la domanda di partecipazione al Festival si accettano in toto tutte le condizioni e le regole sopra esposte.
Il presente regolamento è parte integrante della domanda e deve essere firmato e allegato alla stessa.
Per informazioni:
MARCH 2016
After twelve consecutive editions of Al Ard – Review of documentary films about Palestine, Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina (Sardinia Palestine Friendship Association) presents the 2016 Al Ard – International Documentary Film Festival about Palestine and Arab World.
During this unique event in Sardinia the most important and recent documentary productions at international level on the traditions, lifestyle, history, politics, religion and society in Palestine and the Arab world will be screened.
Al Ard Doc Film Festival is designed as an international competition on the theme of the Palestine and Arab world, divided into two sections: “competing films” and “out of competition”.
The “competing” section is designed for documentary films about cultural, social or political issues related to Palestinian and Arab world, which will be admitted to the final selection after an international call and a preliminary selection by the Selection board and Artistic Direction. Finally the eligible films will be voted by the Expert Jury and the Public Jury, which will assign them prizes during the closing ceremony.
The “out of competition” section consists of fiction movies and shorts movies about Palestine and Arab world, selected by Selection board and Artistic direction. The movies of this section will not be awarded.
The Festival will start on the 16th and will end on the 19th of March 2016 with the closing up Ceremony of the Awards Night.
Every day, a number of selected films will be presented and commented by eminent personalities representing the world of culture, science and entertainment invited by Al Ard Doc Film Festival.
The films sent to Festival will become part of the multimedia archive of Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina, which is already a point of reference for local students and scholars.
Only films and videos produced between 2010 and 2015 dealing with one of the aforementioned themes may be accepted for Al Ard Doc Film Festival.
All languages are accepted but not-Italian productions must be subtitled or dubbed in Italian, in English or French.
For not Italian language nor subtitled or dubbed in Italian language productions, the Selection Board in accordance with the applicants, may translate (free of charge) the dialogue list, after their commitment to provide a new subtitled copy by January 2016.
Competition entries must be submitted by the end of December 2015 to the e mail address and must include:
– a copy of the fully filled-in entry form with the signature of the person who owns the rights,
– a photo of the director,
– a private link to the film via YouTube, Vimeo Channel or any other kind of video sharing website.
– the trailer of the film,
– two or three pictures from the film,
a copy of the film (STANDARD PAL) Betacam SP, Digital Betacam, DVD o DVCAM must be sent by the end of December 2015
To the address:
Al Ard Doc Film Festival
Dot. Fawzi Ismail
C. D. R.
Via Zagabria 60
09129 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Registration to the Al Ard Doc Film Festival is free.
The failure to comply with the terms will involve the exclusion from the competition.
The works should not contain any sort of advertising.
By entering the Festival each filmmaker or producer is responsible for the content of his/her work and warrants that the grant of this licence will not infringe the copyright (sound or picture) or any
other rights whatsoever of any third party. By applying the Festival the participants explicitly allows to use the sound and the images. Al Ard Doc Film Festival may also screen short clips or images from the submitted entries on television news, television broadcasts and in all kind of promotion and communications related to the Festival. Copyright’s owners also authorize further screenings of their works without any charge for non-profit purposes inside of reviews organized by Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina.
The candidate states that all information submitted in the entry form is true and agrees that they can be used in the Festival promotion and communication materials (catalogue, website, press release, etc.).
Both the selected and the non-selected titles will not be returned to the candidates, as they will remain for good in the archive of the Festival for documentary purposes. They will not be used for commercial purposes and could be seen within the archive for free or for cultural and non-profit manifestations.
Signing in the competition entry form implies full acceptance of all the terms and conditions. Personal information will be dealt according to the terms of Law no. 675 of 31/12/1996 and following changes and additions.
The executive of ARD AL DOC FILM FESTIVAL will inform the authors and related productions of the results of selection by the 15th of February 2016 and will publish the list of selected works on the website of the Association at
The executive of Al Ard Doc Film Festival reserves the right to refuse the screening of films that fail to comply the Regulations and the minimum performance conditions required and will decide for each work the day and time for the screening.
Producers and/or directors awarded must use in their advertising, the logo of Al Ard Doc Film Festival and the name of the prize.
– Best Film In Competition, € 1000.00
– Al Ard Award (Best film about Palestine), € 800.00
– Award for the debut film (Emerging director), € 600.00
– Audience Award, € 600.00
A Jury of experts, made up by: Monica Maurer, Giuseppe Pusceddu, Antonello Zanda, Felice Tiragallo, Ibrahim Nasrallah will assign the first three prize; while he public vote during the screening and will assign the Audience Award.
The Association reserves the decision to invite some of the directors which movie will be considered particularly interesting and will cover travel expenses, meals and accommodation expenses according to availability of the festival organization. The cost of a Visa (VISA) will be charged to the guest. This kind of communication will be conveyed by e mail directly to the director.
Signing the entry form implies full acceptance of the competition Regulations.
This Regulation is part of the application form and it must be signed and attached to it.
Al Ard Doc Film Festival
المهرجان الثالث عشر للأفلام الوثائقية الفلسطينية والعربية
Cineteca Sarda/ Teatro Massimo
شروط مسابقة المهرجان الدولي الثالث عشر للسينما الوثائقية الفلسطينية والعربية
إلى جميع المهتمين الرجاء الاطلاع على النص الكامل للائحة تنظيم المهرجان في النسخة الأصلية
باللغة الإنجليزية أو بالإيطالية والتي ستكون معتمدة في التحكيم.
بعد النجاح الكبير الذي حققه المهرجان في دوراته السابقة، سواء على صعيد الجمهور وسواء على
صعيد النقاد، والاهتمام الذي حاز عليه في الصحافة المحلية والعالمية، تقدّم جمعية الصداقة سردينا-
فلسطين هذا العام 6102 المهرجان الدولي الثالث عشر للسينما الفلسطينية والعربية من خلال
مسابقة وجوائز.
المهرجان هو الوحيد من نوعه في جزيرة سردينيا وفي إيطاليا، فهو يقدم لجمهور الجزيرة وللجمهور
الإيطالي آخر وأهم ما تنتجه السينما الوثائقية العالمية حول المجتمع الفلسطيني والمجتمعات
العربية وعاداتها وتقاليدها وتاريخها والسياسة المتعلقة بها.
الرئيسة الفخرية للمهرجان المخرجة والخبيرة السينمائية مونيكا ماورير ويتولى الإدارة الفنية إلى
جانب المخرجة مونيكا ماورير الكاتب جوزبي بوشيدو.
لجنة التحكيم
المخرجة مونيكا ماورير
المخرج جوزبي بوشيدو
الكاتب و الشاعر ابرهيم نصر الله
البرفسور الجامعي قسم الانتروبولوجيا فيليتشي تيراغالو جامعة كاليري
برفسور اللغة و الادب العربي وسيم دهمش جامعة كاليري
مدير المكتبة السينمائية في سردينيا انتونيلو زاندا
تنظم المهرجان جمعية الصداقة سردينيا فلسطين وهي جمعية ثقافية ليس لها أهداف ربحية، وهي
تعمل منذ أكثر من سبعة عشر عاما على نشر الثقافة العربية والفلسطينية بشكل خاص من خلال
الأدب والسينما، حيث استضافت العديد من الكتاب والشعراء والفنانين والسينمائيين العرب
يمكن تقديم الأفلام للمشاركة في المسابقة بغرض الحصول على جائزة كما يمكن عرض الأفلام
خارج المسابقة وبدون جوائز.
– المسابقة لنيل الجوائز محصورة بالاعمال السينمائية الوثائقية التي تعالج المواضيع الثقافية
والاجتماعية والسياسة المتعلقة بالعالم العربي وفلسطين والتي يتم قبولها للمشاركة في
المسابقة من خلال طرح دولي ومعاينة وفرز من قبل لجنة مختصة بالاتفاق مع الإدارة الفنية.
تخضع الأعمال التي تكتمل المواصفات وتحوز على موافقة اللجنة المختصة بعد عرضها للجنة التحكيم
الفنية ولتحكيم الجمهور لتحديد الجوائز حسب لائحة تنظيم المهرجان.
توزع الجوائز على الأفلام في المسابقة كما يلي:
-0 أفضل فيلم وثائقي: 0111 يورو
-6 جائزة “الارض” )أفضل عمل حول فلسطين(: 011 يورو
-3 افضل مخرج ناشئ )أفضل أول عمل أو ثاني عمل(: 211 يورو
-4 جائزة الجمهور: 211 يورو
يستضيف المهرجان الأفلام التسجيلية والقصيرة حول فلسطين والعالم العربي التي يتم اختيارها من
اللجنة المختصة والإدارة الفنية ويجري عرضها “خارج المسابقة” دون جوائز.
تبقى الأفلام المشاركة في المسابقة والمقدمة خارج المسابقة في الأرشيف التاريخي
المولتيميديالي لجمعية الصداقة سردينيا فلسطين، وهذا الأرشيف محط اهتمام الباحثين والطلاب
الجامعيين والمهتمين بقضايا العالم العربي.
مكان المهرجان: مدينة كاليري في جزيرة سردينيا – إيطاليا
من 02 الى 01 اذار 6102 على المسرح المكتبة السينمائية سردينيا و المسرح ماسيمو
يختتم المهرجان الدولي للسينما الوثائقية الفلسطينية والعربية أعماله بحفلة توزيع الجوائز بحضور
بعض المخرجين.
ترسل جميع الأعمال على العنوان البريدي التالي:
Al Ard Doc Film Festival-
Dott. Fawzi Ismail
c/o C.D.R Via Zagabria, 60 Cagliari – Italia 09100 لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء التواصل على العنوان التالي
إدارة المهرجان على استعداد لترجمة نص الأفلام إلى اللغة الإيطالية مجانا وعلى المخرج أو منتج
الفيلم تركيب النص على الشريط ويحصل كل من المخرج أو المنتج وإدارة المهرجان على النسخة
الإيطالية من الفيلم المترجم.
الرجاء تعبئة النموذج والتوقيع عليه باللغة الإيطالية أو الإنجليزية
التسجيل في المهرجان مجّاني
6105 ويعتمد تاريخ الختم البريدي. -06- آخر موعد لاستلام الأعمال هو 30
تنشر اللجنة المختصة نتائج عملها وقائمة الأفلام المقبولة خلال موعد أقصاه
6102-16-05 في الموقع الأكتروني لجمعية الصداقة سردينيا فلسطين.
رئيس المهرجان
د. فوزي اسماعيل